"we all are shining stars... we just have to turn our lights on."

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where did the Idea come from?!?

Some might be wondering were the idea for this book come from and why am i writing it, well it was from one of my dreams i had 3 years ago of a full bird making its why around the world and eventualy became a human/bird and was able to change into a 'Angel' and fight a horrible power wanting division called 'Demon' all of the dream was so much more different then how much i am changing and what the charactors names are now they were Sally and Zack but i didn't really like the names so they are changed but you can't know them because i want you to have to read the book to find the new names.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New chapter to my book

The new chapter that I am adding is awesome and should add 12 more PGs to my book There will be more chapters that I will add, but, this one is going to be at the begining there is another charitor that I am going to throw at you all, the name of the new charactor is going to be Aaron.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Last night

Last night the best thing happened, my father came down and said this to me and this is also what I replied
"You really wrote that Tassja?"
"Yes dad, I did."
"No help?"
Then he looked at me.
"Okay dad I got help with the editing."
"That's ok."
I nodded. Than he looked at me.
"You have talent Tassja."
That really made me smile.
"I am serious Tassja you can do something that I can't."
"What do you mean dad?"
"You have read less books than me and you can picture you charecters doing the stuff in your story, it makes sence and I think that your teacher should have not marked anything on there."
"The only flaw I made was the Timp. View high school it probably isn't a real high school."
"So? The book that you wrote was a fantsy book he should not grade you on wealther you are trying to write something in the real world. What if that was a real High School in the world that you made?"
"Think about this and don't forget about this story add to it make it longer, don't let this go alot of people look forever for what they can do and never find it, you have found it."

Isn't that great?!? My father was saying this as a reader not as a dad. It will be great if I can get it out edited.
Thank you all that visit my blogs

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Hey yesterday I finished my book it was really actually a asighnment and my teacher is reading it to grade it then I am going to add stuff to the book and make it around 500 pages if I can. I hope that it is graded and handed to me soon, so that I can add to it. When I am done with the book, it will be the best book writen for my age group and I hope that you all will read it if you hear that it is out and tell me what you think about it, answer the Daily Question it will actually be up for a long time I want to make sure that everyone might like my book.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My drawing

Hey!! This is a drawing that I have drawn

Pheonix blog opening

Hey!! This is Natassja the host of the blog Me, Me, and books I am trying to write my own book that I have alot of ideas for a book title but as I said in my blog Me,Me, and books the URL is to that blog is http://meormybook.blogspot.com/ so you can see my life and stuff go there . My book is going to be great but I can't tell you anything about it because some of you might take my idea and change it to what I don't want it to be. I know that I can trust some of you but I know that I can't trust some of you. I love you all and hope you have a nice day!